Evening Fields Wrap Crochet Pattern

…and what to do when your yarn gets discontinued! Ugh!

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Introducing the Evening Fields Wrap! This wrap can be dressed down for extreme comfort or dressed up nice and classy for a night out which I am not capable of modeling because the only dressing up I do is for a night on the couch! Who’s with me!?

Untitled Design.jpeg

Now… I think we have all been there… when we put so much time and effort into a project only to get halfway through it and realize the yarn has been discontinued. Nooooooooooo!!!!

You have a few options when this happens.

  1. You can cry for a couple hours then throw the project into your WIP pile in a closet. Your intentions are good but let’s be honest… that project will never be touched again.

  2. You can frog the whole thing and start again with a new yarn. So painful.

  3. Or you can finish the project with the discontinued yarn, assuming you have enough. If not you may spend some time scouring the internet to find someone who is trying to get rid of the one roll they have in their stash. This is the route I chose for the Evening Fields Wrap.

I found this yarn at my local yarn shop and fell in love with the color. Cascade Yarns Pinwheel in color “Evening Field” It had the perfect warm autumn feeling I was going for. I grabbed the 3 rolls on the shelf and got to work, only later to find out that the yarn has been discontinued. Luckily, 3 rolls was way more than I needed. But now I have this lovely new pattern featuring a yarn that is discontinued.

So instead of frog the whole thing (who’s got time for that!?) I decided to continue on with the discontinued yarn and provide you all with some really great options for substitution. These yarns will provide almost the exact same look and now the color possibilities are endless. Check these out and pick your favorite!

To get a similar look as the Cascade Pinwheel that I used, try one of these:

  1. Knit Picks Chroma Twist

  2. Lion Brand Yarn Mandala Tweed Stripes

  3. Cascade Yarns 220 Superwash Wave

  4. Cascade Yarns Cherub Aran Wave

Other options I love:

  1. Berroco Sesame

  2. Trendsetter Yarns Scaha

  3. Noro Silk Garden

  4. Malabrigo Washted

  5. Scheepjes Secret Garden

The stitch pattern in this wrap is a combination of Extended Half Double crochet (EHDC) and Slip Stitches. The slip stitches make a little ridge between the rows of EHDC, giving the simple stitches a little more detail.

Check back soon for a video about this stitch pattern!

This wrap also looks great with fringe or without, it’s up to you! If you’d like to add the fringe and it’s your first time, watch this quick tutorial!

Get your pattern here

Be sure to let me know your thoughts/questions in the comments below and tag @clickety_sticks with pictures of your finished Evening Fields Wrap so we can see your beautiful work!