Easter Egg Style Bern Beanie Free Knit Pattern

The sun is shining, the birds are chirping but guess what? We still have snow… We all have spring on our minds but the reality is it’s still cold outside.

So to help ease your winter blahs we decided to have some fun with the Bern Beanie Hat and switch up the colors to feel more like spring.

Easter Egg Bern Beanie Pintrest Pic .png

Below you will find the graph for the modifications to the original Bern Beanie Pattern. Just cast on with purple, follow the written instructions then when you get to the graph portion of the pattern use this one below. At the end continue with purple for the decreases to finish up the hat. Find the original pattern here.

Easter Egg Bern Beanie Chart .png

We hope you enjoy knitting this up as much as we did!

If you make this, don’t forget to tag us on Instagram: @Clickety_Sticks

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